Jade Small
Jade Small
January 20, 2025 ·  4 min read

11 Bible Stories That Makes Some Christians Question The Faith

The Bible offers powerful stories that have influenced faith and morals for centuries. Some, however, pose tough ethical questions about justice and morality. We’ll look at twelve Bible stories that, beyond their miracles and heroism, delve into moral dilemmas. From Abraham’s troubling test to Egypt’s harsh plagues, these stories challenge us to reflect on divine commands and human actions.

1. The Stoning of Achan (Joshua 7)

The Stoning of Achan (Joshua 7)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

After Achan secretly takes forbidden items from Jericho, Israel is defeated due to God’s anger. When Achan’s sin is uncovered, he and his family are stoned to death. This story raises concerns about collective punishment and the justification of severe divine retribution. It questions whether it’s fair for Achan’s entire family to be punished for his actions.

2. The Story of Dinah (Genesis 34)

The Story of Dinah (Genesis 34)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, is assaulted by Shechem, a local prince, in a story from the Bible. Shechem offers to marry her as restitution, and Jacob’s sons agree if all the men in Shechem’s city are circumcised. While the men recover, Simeon and Levi attack, killing them and looting the city. This Bible story raises questions about the justice of their revenge and whether their actions were justified.

3. The Levite’s Concubine (Judges 19-21)

The Levite's Concubine (Judges 19-21)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

A group of guys viciously attack a concubine and leave her for dead. A civil war breaks out when her husband dismembers her body and distributes the pieces to the twelve tribes of Israel. This graphic story poses important moral queries on gender-based abuse, violence, and how society should react to such crimes. With such horror, how should justice be served?

4. The Story of Job (Job 1-42)

The Story of Job (Job 1-42)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

In the Bible, Job, a righteous man, endures immense suffering as a divine test, losing his children, wealth, and health. This story raises profound questions about the nature of suffering and divine justice. Why does God permit a good person to experience such pain? It prompts us to reflect on the reasons behind human suffering and the role of faith according to Million Dollar Sense.

5. The Violation of Tamar (2 Samuel 13)

The Violation of Tamar (2 Samuel 13)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Amnon, Tamar’s half-brother, assaults and violates the daughter of King David. After that, she is abandoned, humiliated, and receives no true justice. The brutal reality of gender-based violence and the biblical judicial system’s shortcomings are made clear by this account. It compels us to consider the treatment of women and the ramifications for social fairness and safety.

6. Jephthah’s Vow (Judges 11:29-40)

Jephthah’s Vow (Judges 11:29-40)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

In the Bible, Jephthah makes a hasty vow to sacrifice the first thing he encounters upon returning from battle. Unfortunately, his daughter, his only child, greets him first. Despite the tragedy, he fulfills his vow. This story prompts us to reflect on the ethics of making and keeping extreme promises and the value of human life versus honoring a vow.

7. The Command to Annihilate the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:16-18, Joshua 6)

The Command to Annihilate the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:16-18, Joshua 6)
Image Credit: I_g0rZh /Depositphotos.com..

God commands the Israelites to destroy the Canaanite nations—men, women, children, and animals—while they conquer the Promised Land. This troubling directive raises ethical questions about genocide and the morality of annihilating entire populations. It leads us to question whether a loving and just God could truly ask for such violence.

8. The Plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-12)

The Plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-12)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

In the Bible, Moses, with God’s support, unleashes ten devastating plagues on Egypt to compel Pharaoh to free the Israelites. From turning water into blood to the death of the firstborns, these plagues inflict great suffering. This story raises questions about the justice of making ordinary Egyptians, including innocent children, endure such pain for Pharaoh’s stubbornness. Why did God opt for such extreme measures?

9. The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

God plans to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness, sparing only Lot and his family. When Lot’s wife looks back, she turns into a pillar of salt. This story raises questions about punishing entire populations and whether such extreme measures are justified, even if some innocents are involved.

10. The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)

The Great Flood (Genesis 6-9)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

In the BiblNoah builds a massive ark while others mock him. God floods the Earth, destroying all life except Noah, his family, and pairs of animals on the ark. This story raises difficult questions about divine justice. Is it fair for an all-powerful being to annihilate almost all life due to human wickedness, including innocent children and animals?

11. The Binding of Isaac (Genesis 22)

The Binding of Isaac (Genesis 22)
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Do you know the story of Abraham, who is tested by God to sacrifice his son Isaac? It’s a heart-wrenching test of faith, with Abraham about to comply before God intervenes. This raises a major ethical question: Is it right for God to demand such a sacrifice, and what does it say about Abraham’s obedience? Would you have done the same?