slices of white bread
Sean Cate
Sean Cate
November 9, 2024 ·  2 min read

9 Of The Worst Foods For Your Cholesterol, According to Experts

Cholesterol plays an essential role in the body, helping with cell production and hormone regulation. However, high levels can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to experts, many common foods contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels. Here’s a breakdown of the top offenders.

1. Red and Processed Meats

red meat skewers on a block of wood
Credit: Pexels

Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb are high in saturated fats, which elevate LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Processed meats such as sausages and bacon are even worse, often containing additional preservatives and unhealthy fats. Studies show that consuming processed meat daily can increase heart disease risk by 18%.

2. Full-Fat Dairy Products

cows facing the camera with a sunset behind them
Credit: Unsplash

Full-fat dairy items such as butter, cream, and whole milk are rich in saturated fats. While dairy has some nutritional benefits, its saturated fat content can spike LDL cholesterol levels. Experts suggest opting for low-fat or non-fat versions to mitigate risk.

3. Fried Foods

fried foods
Credit: Pixabay

Fried chicken, French fries, and mozzarella sticks are classic comfort foods, but they’re packed with unhealthy fats. Cooking oils used for frying often produce trans fats, which are notorious for raising LDL and lowering HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

4. Sugary Beverages

store shelf full of soda
Credit: Pixabay

Soda and other sugary drinks contribute to high cholesterol in a less obvious way. Excessive sugar intake prompts the liver to produce more LDL while reducing HDL levels. A single sugary drink per day can increase heart disease risk by 18%.

5. Refined Carbohydrates

a pasta dish
Credit: Unsplash

White bread, pasta, and rice lack the fiber necessary to create balance. Refined carbs act similarly to sugar, causing spikes in LDL levels and reducing HDL. Clinical dietician Gabrielle Gambino, MS, RD, CDN, CNSC, says “Simple sugars like white bread can actually prompt our livers to produce more LDL cholesterol and may also lower the amounts of HDL in our blood.” Switching to whole-grain options can provide much-needed fiber to combat cholesterol issues.

6. Baked Goods and Sweets

A box of macaroons
Credit: Pixabay

Cookies, pastries, and cakes are double trouble: they’re loaded with sugar and saturated fats. This combination raises LDL cholesterol while contributing to weight gain, which further exacerbates the problem.

7. Tropical Oils

Coconut oil
Credit: Pexels

Coconut oil and palm oil are often marketed as healthful alternatives, but they are high in saturated fats. While they may offer some benefits in moderation, they can significantly raise LDL cholesterol when consumed in large quantities.

8. Fast Food

fast food burger and fries
Credit: Pexels

Fast food is a cholesterol disaster. Meals from popular chains often combine multiple risk factors: refined carbs, trans fats, and high levels of sodium. Studies show that frequent fast-food consumption correlates strongly with elevated cholesterol levels.

9. Bottled Salad Dressings

bottled salad dressings
Credit: Pixabay

Store-bought salad dressings might seem harmless but are often loaded with added sugars and unhealthy fats. Even “low-fat” versions can contain significant amounts of sugar, which negatively impacts cholesterol.

A Balanced Approach

a woman enjoying her meal
Credit: Pexels

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels isn’t about completely avoiding these foods but consuming them in moderation. Experts recommend focusing on a diet rich in fiber, lean proteins, and healthy fats. “Consistency is key,” says Dr. Romit Bhattacharya, emphasizing lifestyle changes over quick fixes.

Read More: 6 Foods That Are Good for Gut Health