Jade Small
Jade Small
December 13, 2024 ·  3 min read

42 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America

Bezmenov identified the KGB’s psychological warfare approach as a four-stage process. He described it as a “great brainwashing” designed to reshape a society’s perception of reality. This ideological subversion happens in plain sight, with most Americans unaware of its devastating effects.

Stage One: Demoralization

The first stage, demoralization, takes 15 to 20 years to complete. This time frame allows for the indoctrination of an entire generation through educational and cultural shifts. Bezmenov argued that during this stage, people lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood. Once demoralized, individuals remain resistant to evidence and logic, making this stage irreversible.

Stage Two: Destabilization

The next step, destabilization, focuses on undermining the core institutions of a nation, such as the economy, foreign relations, and defense. Bezmenov asserted that this phase only takes two to five years to weaken these critical pillars, leaving the nation vulnerable to further chaos.

Stage Three: Crisis

Crisis is the third phase and happens rapidly—within six weeks, according to Bezmenov. During this stage, a country experiences upheaval, including violent changes in leadership, economy, and power structures. This phase sets the stage for the final and most transformative step.

Stage Four: Normalization

Normalization is the last stage, where the new ideology becomes the societal norm. Bezmenov warned that this phase leads to the permanent loss of freedom and the adoption of a new reality shaped by the subverters. By the time normalization occurs, the psychological manipulation is complete, and resistance becomes nearly impossible.

The Irreversible Impact of Demoralization

Bezmenov believed that by the 1980s, America was already in an advanced state of demoralization. He pointed to the influence of countercultural movements, such as the 1960s hippie generation, which he claimed had been infiltrated by Marxist-Leninist values. This ideological shift, he argued, made it difficult for people to recognize or challenge the erosion of traditional American principles.

A Society Divided

Bezmenov’s warnings about demoralization resonate today. He described a society divided into polarized factions, where facts are dismissed in favor of narratives. This environment, he suggested, leaves a nation defenseless against psychological manipulation, as individuals lose the capacity to engage in rational discourse or defend their values.

A Nation at War

Perhaps the most striking claim Bezmenov made was that the United States has been in a state of undeclared war with Russia for decades. He emphasized that this conflict isn’t fought on battlefields but through ideological warfare. By infiltrating media, education, and politics, the subversion creates generations of Americans unaware that their freedoms are under threat.

Conclusion: Lessons from a Defector

Yuri Bezmenov’s insights offer a sobering perspective on the state of modern America. While some of his claims may seem extreme, his analysis of ideological manipulation serves as a reminder to remain vigilant against efforts to destabilize a society. Recognizing and addressing these tactics is vital to preserving freedom and safeguarding the nation’s future.

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